The Paris Q.U.I.L.T. Guild will meet Feb. 4, Thurs. @ 10:00 am, in the Paris Civic Center. Barbara Scott and Marion Graves were scheduled to be hostesses, but have changed with Emily Foust and Judith Putnam. (Barbara nad Marion will be out of town) Thank you for the change, Judith and Emily.
Dessert and drinks will be available, but, don't forget to bring your lunch.
We will be working on the 2010 Donation Quilt. Please bring your finished blocks to the meeting. If you were not able to get it finished, please bring your packet and we can work on the block at the meeting. If you will not be at the meeting, please try to get your block (packet) to someone who will be at the meeting.
We will be starting Denise Evans quilt top. Because of the weather last month, we were not able to get a start on it.
Please bring sewing supplies (cutting board, rotary cutter, iron, board, etc.) and a machine if possible. We will be sewing with black thread on the donation quilt and probably a lighter color for Denise.